I had an awesome time at home last weekend. It was a whirlwind to say the least but we had a wonderful time visiting with family and friends. I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see but I'm heading home again in 6 weeks for Christmas and there will be plenty of time then!
Here is a very late 'Weekend in Pictures' post.
Porter gives free Walkers Shortbread-my favourite!

Lunch with just some of my lovely ladies at Get Stuffed downtown.

The wedding was lovely! We had a great time on the dance floor.

Sunday brought a family dinner and then the trick or treaters came around. Carol loves her decorations!

We had Pizza Experts with Jeremy Sunday night.

But, something cool happened on the way to pick up M on Monday. I saw them shooting 'Republic of Doyle'. I even saw the famous guy from Alias and the car that Doyle drives. I was beyond excited!

Packing and leave is the worst part of going home for a visit. So after a quick visit to see Granddad and a few games of snooker we left again...

Only 6 weeks until we go back. Not that anyone's counting or anything!
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