I've been doing a lot of thinking lately-mostly about camp. I'm not returning to camp this summer. It's not a new decision by any means. I knew I wasn't going back last May & I really made last summer count. So now, I'm taking a break after 10 long summers of working with my baby girls. Will I miss them? Heck yeah and I'll probably shed a few tears before the summers out.
But, I'm ready to try something new. To have a summer 'off'. To spend time with my family and friends here in NL. This weekend Eugene tried something new. He got in the lake and swam for the first time. And that's where I am right now. I need to dip my toe in the perverbial 'water' and take that first step and swim into summer.
I need to try something new.
Here I come summer.
And we're here to do it with you, regardless of how cold the water may be! :) And we have sailing plans, remember? Good things lie ahead..... Maybe some girl time at the cabin and beach?