This past weekend M put his foot down and said 'No more kijiji 'finds' until you get a few of the current projects on your to-do list done". So that lit a fire under my butt and work on a few projects, well, that I did.
Today I'm sharing one that's actually 100% finished.
We went on a little road trip adventure to pick up this antique washstand a few weeks ago. Found on-you guessed it-kijiji- it was a steal at just $40. A few more dollars for gas to get there and back if you're really being particular.
We have the perfect place for it at the end of our upstairs hallway behind the bathroom door.
Here's the before...

And the after...

Covered in icky brown paint and, as I discovered later, a few layers of old stain (it was a pain to strip) but the result is lovely.
I changed out the hardware for a little glass knob and a silver pull.

Blurry photo-but the lighting was terrible. Also there's a phantom Eugene in the shot as well.

I'm on the look out now for accessories. I have my eye on a jug and basin that I spied in the window of an antique store recently. The blue design on it would look lovely with our hallway color. I may also add a dowel across the back to hang a pretty towel too.
That's one of three from the weekend. Stay tuned for more!
Hi nnice reading your blog