Last summer was my first summer not at Iroquois Springs and it was a difficult adjustment- a welcome one, but a hard one none the less. So this year as summer approached I knew that we had to begin with a bang and so M & I decided that Eugene would join us on a little adventure to O-Town to visit some of our peps, see a little music and get some much needed sunshine.
Unfortuantly, some of us have to work- i.e. M- so he couldn't stay for too long and is now back to business in NL but Eugene and I are spending some time in Ottawa. We've had some adventures since we got here and I thought I'd share some of them with you!
We visited parliament last week.

It was beautiful but very hot. I'm sure he's glad he had a last-minute haircut before we left.
Then we staked out Rib Fest on Sparks street.

It smelled delicious but it was very, very crowded.
We made some new friends-and housemates for part of our visit.

That's Kobe- like the basketball superstar not the beef! He is an active guy but loves to wrestle with Eugene.
We also visited Liam and met Trouty-Allison & Paul's cocker spaniel.

Eugene now has a little girlfriend. She is tiny and cute and petite and I just love her to bits.
We had some Hintonburger- a 'must-do' for us while in O-Town.

It was yummy even if we did have to wait a while to get it!
It has been an awesome start to the summer! Stay tuned for more adventures of E & K in O-Town!
sounds like your enjoying the summer, great pics!