I started out mine right- with some baking and painting, two of my favourite things!
It hasn't been easy this week taking pictures of just me but my iphone has been amazing. I've been using an app called 'timer cam' and it's how I'm capturing most of my selfie action shots and I L.O.V.E it. Check it out! I think it's free or $1. Worth every cent!
Onto Friday's pics.

Good morning E! Found him in his bed this morning!

Our morning walk- turned into a morning swimming. You can't tell but he's dripping wet here!

Baking. Salted caramel shortbreads + Dulce de leche brownies.

Breakfast= granola + yogurt.

Taping to paint mouldings.

Above & below-staining.

Afternoon napping...

And more napping.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a bag lady when I leave the house.

Helping my friend Cathie paint her great room! It went from oxblood to a light blue-grey color. It's beautiful.

On my nightstand right now.

And another day done. Hope you have a great weekend. I've got a some fun plans and I'm really looking forward to M being home late, late, late Sunday night.
Looks like you had a great Saturday! Thanks for the tip on the app!