Today's installment of Project Life is the end of June and the first week of July.
{June 24-30}
First side...
Highlights this week: I went to the spa courtesy of E & M and a birthday certificate. Eugene got a haircut-one that I actually liked! Ain't he cute!? He also decided to take up scrapbooking as a hobby. LOL. We ended out week with a trip to Humber Valley Resort with some friends of ours. Hence the insert on the right. It was without Eugene. Honestly, it was refreshing to have a little break but man, did we miss him!
The other side...
More Highlights: more shots from July 1st at the cottage. Baby Liam got some books I sent in the mail! Allison sent me a shot cause she's the best mom! Eugene had a little photo shot. Yeah, I'm that annoying person that talks about their dog like it's her child. At least I'm not in denial.
{July 1-7 a.k.a Week 24}
Highlights: A little swim during one of our morning walks, a visit to see Sara for some scrapbooking supplies and to make some new friends, a potluck with our neighbours and most importntly my Dad's retirement!
After 35 years he retired on July 4th. I am so happy that I was here to celebrate with him this summer!
I love the simplicity of my date card this week. Just some letters with the week, a simple October Afternoon washi tape & a few wood veneer stars.
Honestly, I didn't take many photos last week at all. I may have very slim pickings for PL for last week!
I can't believe it's halfway through July. Seriously?! I'm still enjoying this project despite the fact that it's a little time consuming to put it all together each week. I also HATE being 'behind' but it turns out that there are lots of other people who are in the same boat as I am according to the blogisphere!
I will admit that last week, while prepping photos to develop, I realized that I don't have to scrapbook every little event-because they are in the PROJECT LIFE album. Now, that made the PL album worth it. Genius! Can't believe I didn't realize this sooner. So I only developed my favourite photos as opposed to everything from the last few months. It was a light bulb moment for me.
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