Monday, January 11, 2010

Brenda & Possibility

It turns out all things are possible and after much debate we finally bought a car last March. Matthew's company was bought out and he ended up moving buildings to a place around the corner from my school. Needless to say, I was not riding the bus with him for 1h 20m each day when to get to work when we could get to work, in the comfort of a car, in a mere 25 minutes.

So, he did the dirty work of researching the situation and by early March we had a new car. Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I have this obsession with naming inanimate objects. So, the name of the car was left in limbo for some time until finally she was christened 'Brenda' in honour of Donnie Dunphy and Brenda, celebrities
from our Newfoundland roots. She's a beauty! A silver Volkswagon City Gulf. And finally Matthew & I traveled to and from work together. It continues to be one of my favourite parts of our day. It's like a beautiful modern-day fairytale naturally I made a layout about it...



1. that may or can be, exist, happen, be done, be used, etc.
2. that may be true or may be the case, as something concerning which one has no knowledge to thh contrary.

That's my one little word for the year. I had been waiting for my word to find me and suddenly in a TV commercial over the weekend there it was. POSSIBILITY. It seems my goals for the year are numerous and may be somewhat difficult but I think this word, possibility will see me through.


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