Today was a GREAT day! So much happened. I had a great review at work. That was awesome. It was my 7 year anniversary with Matthew. I had a great run. And now i'm enjoing a guilty pleasure-The Bachelor. I'm ashamed to admit it but yes, i am watching it as we speak.
I didn't scrapbook all weekend but I did take some 'yummy' pictures! We went to Mike and Nicole's for dinner on Saturday. Our job/my job was providing desert. So i made this...

It was delicious! It came out the Magnolia Cookbook (Surprized) For those of you who don't
know Magnolia Bakery is my favourite spot in Manhatten for cupcakes. It stems from a Sex & The City episode from years ago and while the show ended it's TV run my love for Magnolia cupcakes did not. So, I bought the cookbook and now I cna have them no matter where I am!
On Sunday I framed and mounted the 6 layouts I completed of some of our wedding pictures that were blogged by Nate Gates, our wedding photographer. This is the best picture I could get of what that now looks like in our hallway. I bought 6 frames, two of each kind and formed them into a group of 6, two rows of three. I love how it looks!
I'll leave you with a picture of the hallway and a promise that there's more pictures to come later in the week.

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