Here's today's LOAD. It's digital. It also doesn't show the white edges well but what the heck?! You get the idea, right? The template is from Cathy Z's digital monthly layout kit at Designer Digitals. It's quick and easy to do. There's a few more pages that go with it but you're only getting one.

I went swimming last night. I haven't been in a while. My arms were hurting on my warm up. I'm trying to go once a week to combat the running. I did that for three months in the spring while training for the half marathon and it seemed to loosen my joints well after all the pounding on pavement. I'm trying to build my distance and endurance. Once upon a time 1000 m was just a warm up. Oh how times have changed! I went easy on myself tonight.
While fitness seems like just one more thing to add to my already full plate I think it's important to take 30 minutes out of each day for some stress relief. Truth be told it makes me sleep better too and with everything that's been on my mind lately getting my brain to shut down and just sleep hasn't been easy.
Swimming sounds like an excellent cross training exercise. I tried a bit at the cottage this summer and WOW its a work out that's for sure :)
ReplyDeleteSweet Dreams :)