This weekend I started my decorating! I LOVE Christmas more than anything. I can't wait to start my December Daily this coming week. But, Saturday I kicked off the season the same way I always do-with a viewing of Home Alone. It's my favorite holiday movie! It has been since I was a kid.
So Sunday we began decorating at our house-and by 'we' I mean I put stuff up while M grumbled about it! We made an agreement. I didn't put up the tree or the nativity set out but everything else was 'in bounds' shall we say. There's a few wreaths-a real one and an artificial one. The garland is on our bookcase and the railing in our hallway and down the stairs. Candles have been lit. Ornaments are hanging in the window. It's just lovely!
Here's a few photos:
This is the mess before and the 'naked' bookcase we use to hold up our TV.

So Sunday we began decorating at our house-and by 'we' I mean I put stuff up while M grumbled about it! We made an agreement. I didn't put up the tree or the nativity set out but everything else was 'in bounds' shall we say. There's a few wreaths-a real one and an artificial one. The garland is on our bookcase and the railing in our hallway and down the stairs. Candles have been lit. Ornaments are hanging in the window. It's just lovely!
Here's a few photos:
This is the mess before and the 'naked' bookcase we use to hold up our TV.

...bows are up. Nothing a little fishing line can't do! product. The photos a little dark but you get the idea. (Please note: It's Sunday so naturally football was on our TV.)

The ornaments hanging in the window. This is where our tree will go on Wednesday when we put it up.

...bows in the hallway and an artificial wreath over the mirror.

And the railing on the stairs leading up to our apartment...

...and a real wreath right next to the kitchen door. Every time I walk out of the kitchen I catch a whiff of it. Love it!

There you have it! Decorating: part one in the Wells house. Part two will commence on Wednesday, December 1st when the tree goes up. What a way to begin a December Daily!
Beautiful, I especially love the display around the TV :)