Pretty great weekend around here.
The weather was the pits this weekend-cold, damp and rainy-but that didn't stop us from starting June off with a big bang!
Saturday morning I headed out for my first garage sale forrage of the season and came home with a few treasures and some much needed Starbucks for M who was doing a little work. We make the trip to Home Depot for some supplies for the half bathroom & hit up a little antique store to pick up something I'd had my eye on for some time (not pictured).
We took Eugene for a good hike up the Cuckles Cove trail and skipped Signal Hill because it was too cold and windy!
I got ready for a night out with some of my fav ladies. Then had a delicious dinner and subsequent drinks with them. We had an epic car ride home complete with 'Funny Girl' sing-a-longs & 'What if God was one of us?' jams. M didn't know what to think about that one! It reminded me that I need to see them more.
We prepped our bikes for the summer. I'm on the hunt for a giant basket for the front of my hybrid cruiser.
We (who are we kidding?! ME!) started on the remodel of the half bathroom on our main floor. It's going from outrageous orange to a more calming hue and everything in there is getting a little TLC. I finished the counters and the cupboards yesterday. As a result of said makeover, our dining room table looks like this-the bits and pieces of the works in progress are littered all over it.
We ended the weekend with dinner at M's parents house as usual which meant a trip out in the rain for Eugene to roam around the yard. Wish we had one of those.
Not pictured-I finally gutted the basement and the pantry. It's been on my to-do list for quite some time so it's a relief to have it crossed off my list honestly. I have a trip to the local dump and the thrift store on my to-do list now.
We also did a lot of lounging and may have found a new show to watch, not to mention I watched more Grey's Anatomy. Also, during said lounging session yesterday morning my husband- the best husband in the world- ran out and got me some much needed sustenance to help me overcome my bad decisions from Saturday night!
And that's it. Another weekend in the books but a great way to start off June!
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