Eugene loved the packaging as much as I am loving the book inside. (Don't worry he didn't destroy the book-that's all for show! ;))

Although can we pause for a second here and look at the toy box in the background, overflowing with doggie toys & he choses the cardboard box. Really?!

Anyways, the book is oh so pretty. There's some great ideas in there too of course! And the timing of this book could not be more perfect for a little project that I'm gearing up to take on this coming September...
Ali Edwards is a genius. There's no doubt about that and I've participated in many of the projects she's 'hosted', so to speak, on her blog for years. I've done six 'December Daily' albums, taken her 'Scrapbooking on the Road' online class, particpated in her 'Yesterday & Today' workshop through Big Picture Scrapbooking and joined her for 'Week in The Life' three times.
And I'm about to embark on a fourth time around for her 'Week in The Life' series and I'm hoping you'll join me!

Our community of scrapbookers at The Paperie is coming together next month to participate in a 'Week In The Life' workshop. It's more of a support group with some awesome bonus materials and an opportunity to come together to complete the project as a community.
Check out the workshop description below-
It’s that time of year again when children return to school, summer days are gone and the leaves are changing on the trees. It’s a perfect time for photography and documentation. So why not join the designers at The Paperie for our spin on Ali Edwards ‘Week in The Life’ workshop? We’ll be playing along with one of our favorite celebrity scrapbookers, Ali Edwards, September 9th to the 15th to capture a week in our lives.
Beginning on Saturday, September 7th we’ll start you off with a preparation class where each of the designers participating will introduce their album and their plan for the week. We’ll also provide you with some valuable knowledge, tips and tricks as well as some handouts you can use to document your week. Each day we’ll be going live on the blog with some tips and tricks to help you along the way. As well, we’ll be including some cut files, journaling cards and more in email blasts during the week. Of course, the hardest part of doing ‘Week in the Life’ is putting it all together so we’ll make it easy for you! We’re giving you two weeks to develop your photos and then we’ll come together to complete your album at an all-day crop on Saturday, September 28th. Won’t you come join us and document a ‘Week in Your Life’?!
As mentioned above, we've got a stellar cast of designers, teachers and scrapbookers who are going to be sharing their concepts and ideas for their own 'Week In The Life' projects as well as contributing tips, tricks, and a whole lot more. If you're local, I cerntainly hope you'll join me on September 7th for our introductory session-it's free! Come check it out!
And for those of you in the blogisphere who are taking part-I can't wait to see what you come up with!
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