Yep. There's been a little- no a lot- of neglect around here. And I know I shouldn't make excuses but honestly here's what happened.
Life got busy. Typical right?! And blogging isn't at the top of my list of priorities even though I do dearly love all of you readers. It became a bit of a chore to sit down and craft a post. For those of you who blog, you know how much time and energy it can take to create fresh content, photograph said content and craft the posts. I was feeling a little drained from life and blogging was simply a no-go.
I admire bloggers like Elise Blaha, Ali Edwards & Elsie & Emma from A Beautiful Mess because they are super consistent bloggers who do it every weekday. They put out awesome content every day and they are some of my fav go-to's. They are however, largely using their blogs to make their living in one way or another. I, of course, am not but I aspire to be like them. So, I'm back and I'd like to make this blog a priority for the New Year-starting now.
Let's get back on track shall we?!
See you tomorrow for a brand new Five for Friday post!
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