*The fountains at The Bellagio.
1. We just returned from Vegas early this week-more on that soon- & I'm reliving it all by watching Ocean's 11. Love. The Hangover might be next in the line-up.
2. It's hard to believe but Christmas is upon us! I, for one, am pumped! Tonight we're holding a Parent Survival Night at The Paperie from 6-9 for anyone who wants some entertaining babysitters-complete with a pizza dinner & some handmade cool cards! Call the store to sign up or check it out!

3. Write. Click. Scrapbook. is doing a 'Documenting Your December' on their blog this week which is worth a look if you're working on a December Daily for the holidays. There's some excellent information in there.
4. Elsie & Emma from A Beautiful Mess can truly do no wrong! Check out what they did to their Laundry machines to jazz them up. Seriously?! Where do they come up with it all?! Love. It. So, that just got added to my 'lanudry list' ;) of things to-do around the house.
5. I've been reading voraciously this Fall and have a number of books to share with you. Be on the look out for that post next week! Right now I'm reading 'Crazy Rish Asians', recommended by a friend. It's very good so far.
Have a happy weekend! We stickin' around home for the first time in two weekends and I for one am pumped to clean the house (weirdo aren't I?!) and laze around with my fur-baby and husband.
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