listening: Justin Timberlake at the gym- the addition to the 20/20 experience. The Paperclipping Roundtable in the car.
eating: healthy. We've been really good about filling our bellies with good-for-you foods since January.
drinking: Diet A& W Root Beer.
wearing: Animal themed sweaters & tops. Last week I wore a different animal-themed shirt every day. The gr. 5's I taught thought it was amusing.
feeling: Productive. It was an awesome weekend around here.
weather: Snow. It just keeps coming. Mother nature has been a beast this year.
watching: Re-watching Gossip Girl in my spare time. Why not right?!
reading: The Goldfinch. Elenor & Park.
waiting: For stain to dry so I can put another coat on my latest project. I have no patience.
wanting: Winter to be O.V.E.R. I'm done folks. Bring on the spring showers & May flowers please.
needing: A few extra hours in my day to DIY & teach. Seriously though.
thinking: About my blog. It's been a little neglected lately. I"m making it a priority this month.
enjoying: Putting together our living room. A few updates were in order.
wondering: What everyone's going to be wearing tonight at The Oscars?! Do you watch?
wishing: For another great get together with some of my favs. I hosted brunch for my girlfriends last weekend- Amy we missed you! We need more brunches together! So much fun!
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