Wednesday, June 29, 2011

CAMP a.k.a the Scrapbooking Hiatus

Hello! It's been a busy month-M is home safe and sound in NL. I finished school and reluctantly said goodbye and I'm transitioning to camp in upstate New York. I've only been here for three days but it already feels like a lifetime. Probably because it's my second home.

We're been busy-planning flashmobs, organizing counselors for our bunks, playing games, dressing up and having a great time training new staff and reconnecting with old ones as well.

flashmob girlsside






As you can imagine, there's little time for scrapbooking because of the schedule I keep at camp. With my job demanding 24/7 support and very few days off (count 'em-I get 4 in a 7 week period!) I chose not to bring too much stuff with me to camp. I only brought along a zSmashbook and a few necessary items. I'm going to try and keep some sort of a scrapbook with it during the summer. We'll see how that goes and I'll post progress here for you to see if possible.

Tomorrow I get to spend the day connecting and getting to know the counselors who will be working for me this summer. I'm excited and I think I have an awesome team! I can't wait for the kids to get here already! They're the reason we come to camp.

Hope you are having a great week!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

It's the day to celebrate your Dad and I've got a great one!

He's the man who knows everyone and their dog, he makes the meanest spaghetti around and he can grill a great steak. He's a snow-blowing whiz and a golfing pro. He pretends he's hard but really he's a softy and I'm certain that's where my sentimentality comes from! He means the world to me.

Scan 4

Scan 3


So, Dad, Happy Father's Day! I hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait to spend the next year's making dinner for you in Newfoundland.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Around Here

Around here: Moving boxes are being packed. Stuff is slowly disappearing. The trucks are coming SOON. Reality is slowly setting in. M will be home in less than 3 weeks and I will be at camp.

Around here: I have a stack of books that I can’t wait to read. We cracked open Bobby Flay’s Grill It! book and made some awesome steak sauce for dinner Sunday night. From the same stack, I’m reading The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connolly. It’s been a long time since I read an easy, brainless pocketbook. It’s really good and a great escape from ‘life’ right now. I’m excited to dive into Expressive Photography by the Shutter Sisters as well. I’m thinking that I’ll try a few ideas out when report cards and papers are handed in.


Around here: I’ve been relegated to the corner desk in my bedroom. I have report card and paper deadlines looming. This time of the year is always hard because work piles up and all I really want to do is go outdoors for walks with my husband and runs with my ipod.

Around here: We’re keeping tabs on the NHL and NBA playoff series. We’re rooting for the Vancouver Canucks-being Canadian and all, and Dallas to win the NBA finals. Miami is so overrated-plus Bosh is a tool for leaving the Raptors so he could ride the coattails of Lebron’s big wins. Not that I’m opinionated about it.

Around here: I’m running. It’s keeping me sane and relatively stress-free actually. But it’s hot. The other night it crept up over 35 degrees celsius. I still ran but the air was humid as heck. We’re attempting a tempo run this weekend in an effort to increase our speed. We’re going early to avoid the heat hopefully.

Around here: I’m getting pumped for camp. I have to start packing my bags because we have to pack all the rest of our clothes into boxes for the movers. I wish I were able to devote more time to emails from the ‘camp girls’ and thinking about ‘camp ideas’ but right now it’s on the back burner.

Around here: There is dust collecting on my scrapbooking desk. I attempted to pull out some paper and pictures the other night but it just wasn’t happening. It was too late. I miss my supplies. On the plus side, my Studio Calico box is scheduled to arrive today. Maybe I’ll be inspired and find a few free minutes this weekend.

Around here: I saw Rhianna in concert last night. It was nothing short of AMAZING. Best concert I've been to EVER. At one point she came down into the audience and behind the sound booth and all of a sudden drubs came out of the floor and rose up and she played-right in front of us! It was spectacular! She closed with Umbrella of course. Amazing. Just amazing.





Pictures aren't great but the show certainly was!

Have a great Thursday. Only one more day to the weekend.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

I've been lame...

..on the blog front. As we stand right now M is pulling out another box and taping it beside me. Another box to pack I presume. You can see what I've been doing in between 'life' stuff.

It's been a busy weekend. I spent it baking cupcakes and eating mostly. My kitchen was like cupcake wars on Friday night and Saturday morning-making batters, baking and frosting dozens of cupcakes.

We had friends in on Saturday for a cupcake/ice cream party. Here's some of what we had:


red velvet

Boston cream

tequila cupcake & lime frosting

chocolate cupcake & black cheery chambord frosting

There was ice cream too: French Vanilla, Oreo Mint & Chocolate Chocolate Chip cookie dough. They were all a huge hit. Got a few waffle bowls at Walmart last week on M's suggestion and they were like a success.

Today I ran 8 miles and have been basically chained to my computer. Report cards + M. Ed paper are a nasty's not cupcake baking that's for sure.

So as you can see there's been no scrapbooking happening around here. I can't be bothered when I'm stressed out and thinking about other things. Maybe some time next weekend-or maybe I'll have a weak moment and get an hour in sometime this week. I'm having withdrawls-can you tell? Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of scrapbooking?!

Speaking of life, I have to go fold one more load of laundry-number 3-right now.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

June? Whatttt?


How is it June already???? I don't know about you but the spring flew and now here we are on the cusp of summer vacation-well almost. I say 'cusp' but really it's three weeks+ away for me.

So, June is going to bring some serious changes for my family. Here's the run down of what I am expecting this month:

*another finished M. Ed course
*end of the year report cards
*Gr. 6 field trip:that ones gonna be awesome!
*Gr. 6 Graduation for my students
*End of School
*packing and a big move east to Newfoundland
*saying goodbye to my current job: there will be tears, of that I am certain.
*heading to camp for one last summer
*couple farewell parties & dinners and a haircut thrown in there for good measure!

That's a long list huh? I'm sure I'll be adding to it with all the unexpected things that come up during the month.

Here's to a successful June. Cheers.


This photo has nothing to do with June but isn't it just the cutest. I want a dog.
