*Picture taken using my iphone in the car with M & E on the way home from our impromptu road trip this past weekend.
listening: R & B playlists on Songaza-because reliving the R & B 90's is amazing.
eating: Too many things that are bad for me. I fell off the health-wagon at Valentine's and it hasn't come round to drag me back on again.
drinking: Still on a diet gingerale kick.
wearing: Pink for the 'Stand Up' to bullying campaign.
feeling: Tired. First full week back at school in a bit. Darn those intervening snow days...
weather: I'm over it. Where's spring?!
watching: Guilty pleasure = The Bachelor. Who do you want him to pick? Lindsay or Catherine?
reading: 'The Art of Racing in the Rain'- an animal lovers tear-jerker. Seriously though-I love it.
waiting: For the weekend.
wanting: Another weekend family road trip.
needing: Time to haul up another room full of carpet & tack strips.
thinking: About the training schedule I am beginning next week. Wondering where I'm going to fit it in.
enjoying: My newly upholstered bench.
wondering: When mother nature is going to grant us Spring? or at least a reprieve from this dang cold weather?
wishing: I were on a beach with my husband, dog & a book. Preferably somewhere warm.
*This is part of my 'Keeping Track of Life' series for The Paperie where we chorincle a list of things on the last day of every month.
awesome list! When you find that warm bench let me know, I'm done with winter too!